Dr. Marisol Lopera Pérez &
Prof. Dr. Marco Rieckmann
Sustainability in traning programmes and microcurricula
Marco Rieckmann and Marisol Lopera have already been working together within the DAAD funded project “Education for Sustainable Development Goals – Capacity Building for Educators”, led by Prof. Rieckmann. During the visiting program, they will further implement this project by realizing an analysis of selected training programmes and microcurricula under the light of sustainability. Moreover, they will endeavor to consolidate an idea for a pilot project on “Rural Schools and Sustainable Development Goals” (see project description).
Prof. Dr. Marco Rieckmann is professor of University Didactics in the department of Education Sciences of the Faculty I – Education and Social Sciences of the University of Vechta. He is also the Representative for Sustainability of the University. His main research foci are (university) education for a sustainable development and sustainable university development. He has been conducting research and development projects for several years together with the Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia), home University of Dr. Lopera. The ongoing project is about educational processes on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
About Dr. Marisol Lopera Pérez
Marisol Lopera Pérez is from Medellin (Colombia), has a degree in Sciences and Environmental Education (University of Antioquia), a Master’s in Sustainable Development and the Environment (University of Manizales), and a Ph.D. in Transdisciplinary Research in Education (Valladolid University, Spain). During the development of her doctoral thesis, she worked as a visiting researcher at the University of Olomouc (Czech Republic) and the University of Antioquia, where she collaborated on qualitative research, mixed methods, and Design Based Research, as well as contributing to reflection on teacher training from an inter and transdisciplinary perspective. She is currently associated professor (Bachelor and Master) at the University of Antioquia (Colombia) and Talca University (Chile) in Experimental and Sciences Education, Environmental Education, and sustainability, and is a member of the PiEnCias research group (https://www.piencias.com).
Education to sustainable development, teacher training.
She currently teaches at the Bachelor and Master level as an associate professor at the University of Antioquia (Colombia) and at Talca University (Chile).
Ospina-Pineda, D. P., Valderrama-Muñoz, Á. M., Jiménez-Narváez, M. M., Arias-Gil, V., Lopera-Pérez, M., & Segura-Jiménez, H. (2020). “Ruta de apropiación de las TIC para profesores de educación superior fundamentada en el modelo Tecnológico Pedagógico Disciplinar”. Virtu@ lmente, 8(2).
Lópera-Pérez, M., & Henao-Giraldo, W. (2020). “Aspectos históricos de la Educación Ambiental: algunas reflexiones epistemológicas desde sucesos dominantes.” Bio-grafía, 13(24).
Lopera-Pérez, M., Arias, V., Jiménez, M. M., Ospina Pineda, D. P., y Valderrama Muñoz, Á. M. (2021). “Aportes de la revisión de literatura al diseño de una ruta de apropiación TIC, vinculada con el modelo tecnológico-pedagógico-disciplinar.” Revista Virtual Universidad Católica del Norte, (62), 276-307. https://www.doi.org/10.35575/rvucn.n62a11
Lopera-Pérez, M., Cardona-Zapata, M. (2021). ICT tools, Virtual and Augmented Reality: pre-service Science teachers’ experiences. Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation. Springer.
Lopera-Perez, M., Maz-Machado, A., Madrid, M. J., & Cuida, A. (2021). Bibliometric analysis of the international scientific production on environmental education. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 20(3).
Lopera-Pérez M., Cardona-Zapata M.E. (2021) ICT Tools, Virtual and Augmented Reality: Preservice Science Teachers’ Experiences. In: Peters M.A., Heraud R. (eds) Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-2262-4_156-1
Lopera-Pérez., & Sobrino, S. L. V. (2020). Alfabetización climática en la formación inicial y continua de docentes. Uni-pluriversidad, 20(1), 81-99.
Lopera-Pérez., Posada, L. E. D., Sobrino, S. V., Huerga, E. C., & Sanz, C. M. (2019). La teoría de inteligencias múltiples aplicada a la educación ambiental en escenarios inclusivos. Enseñanza de las ciencias: revista de investigación y experiencias didácticas, 37(3), 189-207.
About the Project
The initiative “Global Talent for Local Transformation” will enable the consolidating of a pilot proposal called “Rural Schools and SDGs”, as a project idea (phase I), which seeks to advise teachers in the appropriation of the SDGs and the foundations of sustainability. The principal goals are to consolidate a teachers team (from 10 rural schools -Antioquia, Colombia-), and after the characterization (needs, competences, interest), to stimulate environmental leadership, and through different meetings and training, create pedagogical strategies for their educational contexts and the different training spaces. It is expected to strengthen the skills that allow the development of the project, with a view to supporting an academic community -rural schools- through empowering teachers for the approval of the SDGs and the generation of ideas and pedagogical innovation.