David Alberto Valerio Miranda &
Dr. Oliver Kozlarek
Ecology, ethics and plurality in Mexico’s rural council democracy
In 2019 David Valerio Miranda participated in the summer school “Current Crises and Perspectives of Democracy in Brazil and Mexico”, where he had the chance to exchange ideas with researchers from Vechta, among which Dr. Oliver Kozlarek. During the Global Talents visiting program, they will work together at the project “Ecology, ethics and plurality from the rural council democracy in Mexico in the face of the global context”.
Due to his research and teaching background in both social sciences (Dr.phil, FU Berlin) and philosophy (Dr. en Humanidades, Mexico City), Dr. Oliver Kozlarek is interested in social and culture-theoretical problems in connection with the so-called “Critical Theory”. He sees the inter- and transdisciplinary character of Cultural Studies as perfectly suited for exploring debates, e.g. about modernity, globalization, postcolonialism, humanism, that constitute the center of contemporary intellectual and academic trends. In this respect, he is also interested in the differences and affinities of European and Latin American contributions to these debates. Since 2018 Dr. Kozlarek is also the academic director of the “Cultural Anthropology Institute of the Oldenburger Münsterland” (institute affiliated with the University of Vechta), where he endeavors to establish a line of research on “rural modernities”.
About David Alberto Valerio Miranda
My name is David Valerio Miranda, I come from Mexico and I am 32 years old. I studied a master and a doctorate in Philosophy. My lines of investigation are Ethics Political and Cultural Philosophy. In these branches I have researched on topics like rural democratic council, communitarian ethics, and ethnics and plurality.
These topics are important because the communitarian ethics perspective analysis can show how different practices and collective ideas tackle problems in a global context. Also, these studies can analyze how the rural communities develop welfare and other positive aspects about the collective human life.
Ethics Political and Cultural Philosophy
I have taught in rural communities and at university level, I worked teaching to teens and young adults in both experiences. In my researches I have written various articles and essays.
Valerio Miranda, David and Hernandez Ruiz, Judith. “El marxismo de Jorge Veraza como una reconstrucción crítica de la teoría marxista“ (Jorge Veraza’s Marxism as a Critical Reconstruction of Marxist Theory.) Revista Disertaciones, vol. 9 n. 2 (2020) https://ojs.uniquindio.edu.co/ojs/index.php/Disertaciones/article/view/389
Valerio Miranda, David. “El problema de la historia en Marx y la postmodernidad.” (The problem of history in Marx and postmodernity.) Protrepsis, vol. 8 n. 5 (2019) http://www.protrepsis.cucsh.udg.mx/index.php/prot/article/view/173/170
Valerio Miranda, David and Hernandez Ruiz, Judith. “El modelo por competencias y la enseñanza de la filosofía: ¿Un reto para la educación hoy?“ (The Competency Model and Philosophy Teaching: A challenge for education today?) Revista EDUCEM, vol. 5 (2016) http://educem.digital/index.php?num=13
Valerio Miranda, David. “La Ética Crítica Marxista en José Revueltas” (The Critical Marxist Ethics in José Revueltas). In Hugo Ibarra Ortiz (Ed.) Ensayos de Filosofía en México, 59-73. Mexico: Policromía Editoriales (2016)
“Reseña de Dios y el gobierno de los hombres en la Europa medieval de Luis Felipe Jiménez“ (Review of ‘God and the Government of Men in Medieval Europe: An Introduction to Political Philosophy in the Middle Ages of Luis Felipe Jiménez). In Diana Arauz Mercado (ed.), Pasado, Presente y Porvenir de las Humanidades y las Artes, pp. 283-286. México: Texere Editores (2015) https://culturazac.gob.mx/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/pppVI.pdf
“¿Determinismo o Determinación?: Una retrospectiva a un fundamento conceptual de la teoría marxista” (Determinism or Determination? A retrospective to a conceptual foundation of Marxist theory). In Diana Arauz Mercado (ed.) Pasado, presente y porvenir de las Humanidades y las Artes pp. 57-75. Mexico: Zezen Baltza Editorial (2014) http://azecme.com.mx/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Binder5.pdf
About the Project
This project will show from both a practical and a theoretical perspective the important aspects of the experience of the Mexican rural council democracy and their implications for other important current issues like ecology, ethics, and plurality. The rural council democracy in Mexico develops certain values with respect to ecology, ethics, and plurality. This allows us to explore how these communities understand and practice these values and how and which of these experiences and perspectives can be applied to some problems of the city and even to current global issues such as pollution, inequality, and discrimination. This project will contrast the practices of Mexican rural council with the social political organization in the current global context, so that we can see what values and ideas can be useful to address the mentioned problems, and in the same way, which of these values could help rural development and welfare.